or body/mind/emotions harmonisation


Some traumatic emotional experiences, which often take 

root in early childhood, can lead to a contraction of certain 

muscle regions at the same time as a "devitalization of the 

emotional state to protect the soul". 
According to the concept of the functional identity of body 

and mind,"the energetic process of the body determines 

what happens in the mind just as it determines what 

happens in the body." 
Bioenergetic analysis considers the person as a 

"psychosomatic unity": what happens in the body also 

happens in the mind, and inversely.

This therapy consists of reducing the structured 

neuromuscular defences in the body in the form of chronic 

contractions, to better circulate the "blocked energies" 

through physical or breathing exercises; which allows 

patients to reconnect with their personality and the vitality 

of their body and to reduce possible psychological neurosis 

by improving their "vital energy" and their free emotional 


The goal is the development of new forms of self-expression, 

initially non-verbal, through the use of postures or 

movements to highlight body tensions. Emotional discharge, 

in the form of screams, cries, can be requested after the 

tensioning and before the integration phase with a view to 

possible verbalization.

The body work undertaken consists first of all in developing 

attention to sensations. Then, with the help of breathing 

exercises, postures, movements and manual pressure from 

the therapist, we promote awareness of old muscle tensions 

that have become chronic. The objective is to discover the 

defences that the patient built as a child to face difficult 

situations, then to make them more flexible and reorganize 


Emotions are considered here as the "spontaneous 

movements of the organism".

It is an "approach to the depths" that does not only consist in

making symptoms disappear, but also in helping the person 

to meet, to tame himself and to reorganize the very  

structure of his personality.